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Monday, October 22, 2012

Personal Synthesis and Feminist Analysis

A feminist point that was shown in the book was how the Capitol chooses a male and a female from each district to go to the games. They did not treat the females any differently than they treated the male tributes. They all got the same treatment before they entered into the games.

Katniss and Peeta during the Parade of Tributes
Katniss at a young age had to become the provider for her family, when her father was killed in a mine explosion. Her mother went into an extreme state of depression and Katniss had to step up so her family would not die. Normally that would have been the male’s role to provide for the family. Katniss tends to take on a lot of male characteristics that are frowned upon by many of her classmates. Her father had taught her how to hunt which became her main way of keeping her family alive. She would take the animals she had shot and bring them to the seams and trade for things her family needed. She also remembered and found plants that her mother and father had showed her that were edible or would help with curing things. Having some of these masculine traits allow her to survive better than the others in the hunger games. She was able to hunt during the games which provided her with meat, and she also was able to pick out plants that she knew were edible which gave her an advantage over others with not having to rely on what was provided in the beginning of the hunger games at the cornucopia. Besides her physical attributes she does not allow her emotions to show through and get in the way.  She has a strong outer shell that’s makes her hard to relate to and for others to get to know her. Throughout the hunger games many people made comments on how unpleasant of a person Katniss was and how she needed to be more personable and give the audience more to like about her.
Katniss Hunting 


1 comment:

  1. These are similar ideas that I discussed in my feminist analysis as well. I do believe that all of the tributes have equal treatment, girl or boy. That must be why each district has a boy and a girl tribute. They can't afford to only choose one, because if more of one gender happens to be chosen, then it makes the Capitol look bad, as if they planned to have more girls in the arena or vice versa. Even the tributes them selves don't take into account which gender they are trying to kill or stay away from. They are just a person and that's it. That's how we should all try to think in our society. I thought this analysis did a good job of describing that and the individual gender roles as well.
